Monday, March 21, 2011

Winter Adventures

So I haven't updated much this semester but I'll try to put some pictures up of what I've been up to.  It might take a few posts though.

It took three tries to get back to Fairbanks.  The first day my flight to Chicago was canceled and the second day the same flight was canceled for bad weather.  Finally made it to Chicago the third day but had to sit there for 5 hours because my next flight was delayed and I missed my connection in Seattle.  They put me on a later flight and I finally made it back.

There was a nice warm (above zero) day in January so we decided to go Ice Fishing.  We rented a little hut from the state and drove about a hour from Fairbanks to meet some guys from the fisheries department.
We drove right out onto the ice which was pretty cool
 Our hut had a little wood stove so we managed to build a fire and it kept pretty warm in there.  The huts had corners with holes in the ice but the holes were frozen over and the auger the guys we met had was too big for those holes so we had to fish outside.

The ice was about 5 to 6 feet thick so they use motorized augers
Inside the tent they had where it was darker you could see right down into the hole

 Later in the day the temperature dropped off pretty fast and our beers froze shut before you could finish them

I decided to do a handstand over the hole

Our plans also included snowshoeing that day but we got off to a late start so we ended up going the next day.  Jason, Steve and I had rented snowshoes so we took them out to some trails about a half hour from town.

I made tracks

 Most of the snowshoe was on packed trails from snow machines (snowmobiles)
We found the summit with a bit of a view and ate our lunch.  It was another nice day around 10 degrees above
Afterward Jason let Steve and I shoot off a round with his .44 magnum into some snow.  Our ears were ringing for a few hours at least.

There are more pictures on Steve and Jason's cameras but they're just as bad as me at uploading them.

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