Sunday, September 12, 2010

Watson Lake to Fairbanks

Leaving Watson Lake I wasn't sure how long US customs would take or where I would end up stopping again but driving through the Yukon Territory was amazing.  Huge open spaces surround by giant, jagged, snow capped mountains.  Saw a giant bull moose off at the edge of the woods at one point but it turned and ran.  Definitely the biggest animal I've ever seen asides from maybe an elephant at the zoo.

 After it was still only around 6pm when I got to the last little town before the US border (which really didn't qualify as a town) I bought a sandwich and continued on.  Customs was a breeze, stepped out of the car for a few seconds, looked at my passport and registration and said I was all set.
 I drove about an hour and a half or so and arrived in Tok, which again, shows up on the map as a town but there's really not much to it.  Got gas and decided since I was only about 3 hours from Fairbanks, I would just continue and finish out the trip.  Didn't take many pictures past Tok since it was mostly dark but arrive in Fairbanks around 11:30pm, got into my apartment and passed out on my air mattress.

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