Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wickersham Dome hike

Well it's been a while since I've posted but here's what I've been up to.  I'll probably make a few posts to split it up.  September 19th I went on a hike to Wickersham Dome.  It was about 6 or 7 miles total and great weather.  Took a few pictures, here they are.

 We met some dogs along the way that like to eat mud.

Finally did a handstand in Alaska.  This seemed like an appropriate place.

The Group on the summit

The sun was much nicer on the way back.  This is the summit

I'm still working on the geography around here but this is facing south and I'm fairly certain it's THIS mountain range.

This I'm certain is Denali (Mt McKinley).  Photo taken from the main quad of campus walking back after the hike.  I think I falsely claimed a few posts ago that different mountains were Denali, but this is definitely it.

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw the picture that you say is a mountain range, I thought you were referring to the hills in the foreground. Then I realized that what I thought were clouds were actually the snowy peaks. badass.
