Friday, August 27, 2010

Always just hated Canada without a good reason.... until now.

Apparently the last few posts I made from my phone never went through.  Between North Dakota and Canada, cell phone service is nothing to write home about.  I'm in Saskatoon now, it's about 10am here and I'm getting ready to leave.

I can't even begin to elaborate how boring Canada is - Saskatchewan in particular.  Minnesota was pretty bad, then North Dakota was terrible.  I headed straight North from Fargo and went West after a while and MS Streets and Trips had me cross the border at what I wasn't even sure was the border.  There was a little white building next to the road that just said Border Crossing with no instructions other than business hours.  I stopped out front (not wanting to get gunned down for just driving past- although I'm not even sure they carry weapons in that section of North Dakota).  Well the guy was real nice, asked lots of questions, said I was all set and he just needed to stamp, then he came back out with a buddy and they searched my entire car.  Oh brother.  Well after they took everything out and were puzzled how everything was in there in the first place, I offered to help and they stopped on a dime and walked away saying have a nice trip and just left me a half unpacked car in 90 degree weather.  Didn't take long to get everything back together, but soon I was in the great land of Canada and was looking forward to ANYTHING to look at after North Dakota.
So to my excitement, almost immediately (about 4 hours) after crossing the border, the scenery changed drastically and I saw my first elevation change.  If you look hard, it's there, I promise.  Yupp, between North Dakota and Regina, SK that is literally the biggest "hill" I saw.  After stopping in Regina, I headed out Northwest towards Saskatoon and there were a few dips and hills, but mostly stretches of nothing but farm fields and a few sunflower fields that went further than I could see (and when it's this flat, you can see for a very very long ways).

After a while, the sun went down and there were clouds ahead so I was hoping that meant mountains... or anything at all but flat farm land.  I arrived in Saskatoon just after sunset and still no mountains in site.  Hoping to see some elevation changes today but after the last 2 days, I'm not hopeful.

Not to mention the bugs are absolutely terrible.  Every gas station I see, I stop to clean my windshield and headlights, but I don't think the front of my car will ever be the same again.  I don't have a picture, but if you're in a carpeted room, look down at the carpet, color it brown/green/orange, then imagine it in the shape of a front bumper.

Hope you're all doing well.  I'll be stopping in Grand Prairie tonight and will have wifi there so if there are more exciting pictures (as in more exciting than these - not more of these exciting pictures), I'll post some up.

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